
Showing posts from March, 2013


Agnosticism is the view that knowledge of whether or not God exists is unattainable, that we cannot be justified in believing either that God does exist or that he does not. There are two approaches to arguing for this view: first, it can be argued that knowledge of God’s existence is unattainable because no evidence could ever justify religious belief; second, it can be argued that knowledge of God’s existence is unattainable because evidence of God’s existence is unattainable. One argument of each kind is considered here. The Argument from Uncertainty The argument from uncertainty takes the fact that we cannot achieve certainty as to whether God exists as justification for agnosticism. Whatever evidence there is for theism and for atheism is fallible, the argument suggests, and therefore ought to be rejected. Of course, we accept fallible evidence as sufficient justification for many of our beliefs, so this argument will only be persuasive if there is some reason t...

Nicolás Maduro: "Chaves deserves a mourning much better than PM Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia"

Anania Nekulum, NBC News Analyst The Venezuelan Vice President addressed journalists Nicolás Maduro on the mourning of Hugo Chavez. He stated "Chavez deserves a mourning much better than PM Meles Zenawi of ethiopia who died eight months ago. Ethiopians mourn their tyrant leader for a month, so one week will not be enough for the brilliant leader Hugo Chavez." He added "Ethiopians have given a discouraging precedent to world leaders that tyrants will get such grace and respect. They were shouting loud to make us listen to the misdeeds of the government and when he died they were not like that."  He was asked by a NBC journalist on the characters of  the late PM Meles Zenawi which he answered."He was a murderer. I saw a video of the 2005 post election measure taken by the Meles regime and that was very inhuman and savage. In my opinion theICC should look at his misdeeds even if he died and that there are still remains of ...

Confucius's Agnosticism

Confucius (551-479 B.C.) did not throw any light on the problem of origin. He did not speculate on the creation of things nor the end of them. He was not troubled to account for the origin of man, nor did he seek to know about his hereafter. He meddled neither with physics nor metaphysics. There might, he thought, be something on the other side of life, for he admitted the existence of spiritual beings. They had an influence on the living, because they caused them to clothe themselves in ceremonious dress and attend to the sacrificial ceremonies. But we should not trouble ourselves about them, any more than about supernatural things, or physical prowess, or monstrosities. How can we serve spiritual beings while we do not know how to serve men? We feel the existence of something invisible and mysterious, but its nature and meaning are too deep for the human understanding to grasp. The safest, indeed the only reasonable, course is that of the agnostic--to leave alone the un...